Never face your doubt demons alone again!


Introducing the Wyrd Writers Collective, a 6-month group coaching program that will help you craft the change-making stories of your heart with an experienced book coach and a supportive community of writers by your side! 


Tell me more!

Your long-held dream is to have a reader-ready manuscript, but you’re:


✦ Battling imposter syndrome and fighting a losing battle against your doubt demons

✦Worrying you’ll never finish that first draft

✦ Unsure of the next steps to take

✦ Struggling to incorporate the feedback you’ve gotten

✦ Facing rejection by agents or editors - or worse, hearing nothing but crickets


And now you’re wondering…
Where do I go from here?

You don't need a magic bullet solution

(pssst. it doesn’t exist!)

 You need the right blend of accountability, emotional support, craft and industry knowledge, plus a dash of tough love to help you get your manuscript completed and into readers’ hands.

Tell me more!

You don't need a magic bullet solution

(pssst. it doesn’t exist!)

 You need the right blend of accountability, emotional support, craft and industry knowledge, plus a dash of tough love to help you get your manuscript completed and into readers’ hands.


Tell me more!

Hear more from Julie!

Hear more from Julie!


Writing a novel or memoir can be hard, confusing, and lonely.

The doubt. The uncertainty. The waiting. The rejection.

What if there was a place where a seasoned industry pro could help you gain the confidence you need to get your novel or memoir reader-ready? 

Where you could get out of overwhelm and finally feel empowered to tell the story of your heart…

Where you could meet other writers on a similar journey and write a book together with guidance, coaching, and feedback from a coach who’s done it all before?

Introducing the writing haven you’ve been waiting for…

Imagine sitting down at your desk thrilled to be writing and confident that you know the next right step to take.

You open your laptop or notebook and know you’re moving toward your writing goals instead of flailing in the dark. 


When your friends and family ask about your manuscript, you’re excited to tell them about the progress you’ve made and where you’re headed next.

This newfound confidence hasn’t come by accident. It’s because you joined the Wyrd Writers Collective, made friends, and honed your craft with a highly experienced book coach holding your hand through the process.

This program is designed to walk you through every stage of writing your dream book.


Everything about writing, from mindset to planning, drafting, revising, and even pitching, is an iterative process.

That’s why the Wyrd Writers Collective is organized around the Reader-Ready Lifecycle, which helps you assess, revise, and iterate until your story is truly ready for readers. 


The Reader-Ready Lifecycle snowballs your momentum.

Inside the Wyrd Writers Collective, we’ll work together to:


✅ Establish a writing practice that gives you time, energy, and ease as you plan, draft, revise, and pitch your story.

âś… Evaluate where your story is and what needs to happen to get it reader-ready.

✅ Establish the big-picture “Why” of your writing life and your work in progress

✅ Determine gaps in your craft knowledge…and fill them! 

✅ Design story scaffolding appropriate for the genre, age category, and “why” of your story.

✅ Learn to revise deeply so that you can get to “done.”

âś… Understand the marketplace into which your book will launch.

âś… Pitch with strategy and confidence.


I'm ready to sign up!

Is the Wyrd Writers Collective right for you?

It's a GREAT fit for writers who…


✦ Are planners, pantsers, intuitive writers, or anywhere in between  

✦ Have always dreamed of a life spent telling the stories of their heart, but are bogged down and stuck in the process 

✦ Can’t seem to finish a first draft

✦ Have a finished draft that’s missing something, but they’re not sure what

✦ Keep getting revise & resubmit requests from agents - or worse, are hearing crickets

✦ Have been published, but are looking to level up next time

✦ Are making a change in genre, age category, or publishing method and need support/guidance

✦ Want to take a big craft risk and need practical and emotional support to make the leap

It's NOT a good fit for writers who…


✦ Do not want to write books with strong character development

✦ Aren’t willing to examine how harmful tropes, stereotypes, and unconscious bias can creep into our stories

✦ Want to get to a first draft, but aren’t interested in learning deep revision techniques

✦ Are resistant to feedback 

✦ Are uncomfortable with online communities and the technology involved

Author Suzette Mullen


Suzette went from almost giving up when the writing journey got tough to publishing her emotive memoir and getting interviewed on Good Day Seattle!


“Finding a book coach you trust is important for any writer but especially important for memoir writers. Trying to make sense of the past and shape our experiences into a narrative worth reading is vulnerable and hard. As I approach pitching my memoir, I’m confident it’s the best book I was capable of writing at the time because Julie was by my side every step of the way.

She’s truly everything you want in a book coach: great marketplace awareness, spot-on feedback on the page, and positive energy that makes a writer feel like “yes, I can do this.”

Suzette Mullen, Book Coach and author of The Only Way Through is Out (University of Wisconsin Press, February 2024)


Reese went from almost abandoning her first manuscript to three books coming out in the same month!


“I absolutely loved working with Julie! She is a fantastic editor with a great eye. Her feedback is organized, thorough, and thoughtful. She has so much expertise to share on everything from story structure to character arcs to common line-level mistakes!

Julie isn’t afraid to suggest changes that will take your manuscript to the next level! She will push you to grow as a writer, but she will also be there to encourage and support you every step of the way! I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with her on my manuscript.”

Reese Eschmann, author of Etta Invincible (Kirkus Starred Review) and 2017 Pitch Wars Mentee.

I've made every mistake, fielded every level of rejection, felt confused and frustrated and ready to give up.

My name is Julie Artz and I’ve been writing novels for two decades. I learned how to dig my way out and now I'm committed to helping other writers do the same. 

For the past decade I’ve helped hundreds of writers like you finish your first-ever draft or revision, all the way through to interpreting editor feedback and launching a book into the world.

Some truly phenomenal books have crossed my desk in my time as a Pitch Wars mentor and book coach since 2013, many of which have found great homes with the Big 5, small, midsize, and university presses, hybrid presses, or in the indie publishing space.

When you work with me, you can expect just the right mix of tough love, craft smarts, and finger-on-the-pulse industry knowledge, plus a sprinkle of book-witchery for good measure.

In the next 6 months, you will:


  ✦ Receive unwavering support through every stage of your writing journey

  ✦ Discover a safe haven to have your burning questions answered

  ✦ Hone your craft through meticulously crafted lessons that dig into each step of the writing process

  ✦ Engage in vibrant discussions with fellow writers, sharing insights, challenges, and creative sparks! 

  ✦ Conquer mental blocks, writing obstacles, and publishing hurdles

  ✦ And way more!

Ready to break away from what's not working and join a bunch of wyrdos who love writing?


I'm ready to apply!

In the next 6 months, you will:


  ✦ Receive unwavering support through every stage of your writing journey

  ✦ Discover a safe haven to have your burning questions answered

  ✦ Hone your craft through meticulously crafted lessons that dig into each step of the writing process

  ✦ Engage in vibrant discussions with fellow writers, sharing insights, challenges, and creative sparks! 

  ✦ Conquer mental blocks, writing obstacles, and publishing hurdles

  ✦ And way more!

Ready to break away from what's not working and join a bunch of wyrdos who love writing?


I'm ready to apply!

The Investment

Private coaching:  $1000/month

The Wyrd Words Workshop: $300/month*


With access to:

  ✦ all of the workbooks, exercises, and resources I use with my 1:1 clients,

  ✦ specialized craft lectures where you can refine any aspect of your writing,

  ✦ 3 monthly coaching calls,

  ✦ and a supportive, moderated community.


*A six-month commitment is required to build momentum. That's 6 months of coaching for less than 2 months of private coaching!!

*Scholarship and sliding scale options available for writers from traditionally under-represented groups. Just let me know you’re interested in your intake form. 


I'm ready to apply!


Joni went from having a solid draft to being awarded one of the most coveted designations in the book industry, the Kirkus Star! 


“Julie has an unusual ability to see story from a big-picture perspective that connects the external aspects of setting and plot with the internal ones of character and emotional arc.  That connection strengthens authenticity and helps to make the work more compelling. Her guidance on the intricacies of building a world (and the characters and emotions inhabiting it) is sure to be useful for writers of all genres.”

Joni Sensel, author of A Curse on the Wind and Feeling Fate


Heather revised an early draft of her heart-filled Appalachian novel into a debut that landed her agent and won multiple awards!


“Julie is a dream come true for writers: a careful and attentive reader who can hone in on what would make a story really soar. Whether you need help with a query, synopsis, or manuscript, I can’t recommend Julie strongly enough.”

Heather Bell Adams, Author of Maranatha Road (Vandalia Press, 2017)



Here are some frequently asked questions writers have about the Wyrd Writers Collective.

Ready to join the Wyrd Writers Collective and get comprehensive support at an affordable price?

Ready to join the Wyrd Writers Collective and get comprehensive support at an affordable price?

You’ve read to the end, so I know you’re struggling with your writing. And I’m here to help. 


Please enter your name and email address below and I’ll send you an easy get-to-know-you form and an invitation to talk with me 1:1 so we can find out if the Wyrd Writers Collective is right for you. 


(In order to keep the workshop a safe and supportive environment, I vet each writer who joins through an intake process that is open just a few times each year.)

Apply Here!

Before you go…


Did you know that Wyrd (pronounced “weird”) means fate or destiny in Germanic traditions and is the rune that represents Yggdrasil, the world tree, in Norse mythology. As someone who has been told I was “too weird” pretty much all my life, this alternate, expansive understanding of what “weirdness” could mean thrills me. 

If you know in your heart that it is your fate to change the world with your stories, I want to know you. I want to read them. I’m wyrd too.

Let’s embrace it and work together to slay those doubt demons so that you can send your stories out into the world with confidence.